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Sponsorship Opportunities

Help Yellow Brick Road Organization provide free events, education, and safe places for Rock County LGBTQ+ members and allies.

Ruby Sponsor $1,000 or more - Your business name will be on all online and hardcopy promotions, announced promotions at all events, and have special advertising space at events.


Rainbow Sponsor $500 or more - Your business name will be on all online and hardcopy promotions and announced promotions at all events.


Gold Sponsor $250 or more - Your business name will be on all online and hardcopy promotions.


Silver Sponsor $100 or more - Your business name will be on all online promotions.


Friends of Dorothy Sponsor $25 or more - Your business name will be on social media promotions.

Contact Lenny Behnke at for additional sponsorship information or to sponsor.

2023 Largest Sponsors

Advia Credit Union - 2023 Rock the Pride Title Sponsor

Noon Kiwanis - Ruby Sponsor

5Bar - Rainbow Sponsor

Jeff Woods - Rainbow Sponsor

Glitz & Go - Rainbow Sponsor

Summit Credit Union - Rainbow Sponsor

Looking Glass - Rainbow Sponsor

UUC Janesville - Rainbow Sponsor

Kwik Trip - Gold Sponsor - Gold Sponsor

Missy Keo-Mavn Made - Silver Sponsor

Connor Fox - Century 21 - Silver Sponsor

Batteries Plus - Friends of Dorothy Sponsor

State Farm - Kathy Hayden- Friends of Dorothy Sponsor

Teacher's Credit Union - Friends of Dorothy Sponsor

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